Well, this is the maiden voyage of my blog. Huzzah, Pip pip and all that, lets hope she can avoid icebergs for the duration...
First off, about me: I am a college sophomore currently attending the glorious Georgia Southern University, wasting my time on my computer, spending my days pondering just how one should go about "studying" or wasting two hours of ones life to every hour of class one is taking (who thought that equation up, really? Is that just for Georgia, because that might make some sense - two hours to digest material a certified teacher only has around an hour to talk to you about? Sure...), and generally loving the fact that my OS is a Vista (nah, I'm not one of those, altho I know plenty of them - I'm just going to leave it at "Yay. Vista.").
"When you have come to the edge of all that you know and are about to drop off into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing that one of two things will happen... that there will be something solid to stand on or you'll be taught to fly." Sadly, for me, quite often there is something quite solid to stand on: the pillar of procrastination. I'm sure if this blog lives for any length of time, and anyone happens to read it (If this journal reaches anyone, I can only pray they avoid a fate similar to ours...), there will be many promises of earth-shattering projects hinted at en masse - and nothing will come of it, so just ignore it, let those boisterous moments just slip you by (don't look them in the eye, and certainly don't make any sudden movements to attract them!)
Thats about it, I guess. Good introduction? Eh, decent introduction. I'm off to play fast and loose with large ships.
(did you see what i did there?